import { interval } from '@mootari/range-slider'
viewof YearSlider_firm = interval([2015, 2021], {
step: 1,
value: [2015, 2021],
label: 'Please select year range',
viewof isin_random =
Array.from(new Set( => d.isin_random))),
{value: "", label: "Please select entity name"})
filtered_firm = data.filter(function(row) {
return YearSlider_firm[0] <= row.year && YearSlider_firm[1] >= row.year &&
isin_random == row.isin_random;
import {Plot, lines} from '@observablehq/plot';
Plot.line(filtered_firm, {x: "year", y: "pr_avg", label: "pr_avg"})
x: {
grid: true,
format: "d" // Use "d" format to display years without a thousand separator
y: {
grid: true,
domain: [0, 100], // Set the domain of the y-axis to be between 0 and 100
stroke: "steelblue" // Set the line color to blue
3 Data Preview
4 Data Preview
Until this disclaimer is removed, all data displayed here is for technical testing purposes and is not suitable for data analysis.
Furthermore, at the moment the data is provided without any license terms, so please use at your own risk.